Independence is an essential life skill which must be nurtured from an early age. Building independence starts as early as babyhood, when they can choose which resources to play with. 

Children really benefit from expert interactions with staff, and show extremely high levels of independence for their age. For example, young children feed themselves and use cutlery extremely well at mealtimes.
— Ofsted May 2019

We work right from the start to enable children to become less physically dependent on adults in the measure they can. Our walking babies help themselves to water and help us set up or clear the table, some even putting their chairs away after meals.  It’s unbelievable what babies and young children are capable to do if we let them try!  

Our toddlers serve themselves and pour their water at meal times, put their coats and shoes on, water the plants… etc. and are encourage to always give everything a try. 

For children to become capable independent learners, they must be allowed to make decisions about what they are doing, where and with whom. 

Our knowledgeable team empowers children by allowing them to use the environment for themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to start to develop their own thoughts and views, through promoting physical and functional independence, as well as encouraging thinking, problem-solving and reflection skills.  When children are supported and encouraged to think for themselves, they become very capable.