Wellbeing is, undoubtedly, one of our strengths at La Casita. Over the years, we have had copious amounts of comments time and time again, about how happy, settled, easy going and well-behaved our children are. We take pride in this, as we believe that wellbeing is the fundamental base to any further education or learning.
We work a lot on recognising and expressing our feelings and learning that all feelings are acceptable although not all behaviours are.
Children learn to share, discuss and express their opinions and feelings, respecting turn taking when talking and listening to each other. Children learn that their opinion is important and as such it must be respected and that, in turn, means they need to accept other people’s views too.
Empathy is another concept we work heavily as children get to understand how others feel and therefore behavioural issues become a rare occurrence.
At the same time, we all learn to accept that our needs may not be met immediately and that patience is a virtue.
Teacher’s wellbeing is also very important to us, as stressed ‘profes’ can’t be supportive to our children’s needs. An open-door policy and a close relationship with management ensures that they are happy and feel supported too.