Welcome to our toddler room!
This room is the latest addition to La Casita, after the extension was completed in 2018. It is a purpose-built room to house our toddlers, ranging from 2 to 3 years old. This room is on ground floor level and children have free flow to secluded garden as well as the main garden.
Toddlers flourish at their pace, while continuing to build in independence and self-confidence.
There is a maximum of 8 toddlers with two qualified, experienced ‘profes’ (teachers). This is an age of particular importance, which is often misunderstood by the expression ‘terrible twos’. We believe two-year-olds are only building their independence and sense of himself/herself.
Two year olds need lots of time to practice and practice a bit more. They want to try everything by themselves and need extra time to achieve their goals.
If a two-year-old who is engrossed in putting his shoe on, gets an ‘I’ll do it’ as a busy parent has to leave the house, that’s when a tantrum may start.
Our toddler room features a climbing frame and lots of interactive areas where they can freely choose their favourite activities, allowing for plenty of practice and repetition.
In the afternoon, babies and toddlers share their spaces more freely, promoting interaction among different aged children, as it naturally happens within a family environment.